My Incredible Joe Nall 2024 Experience

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For over 15 years, I've been captivated by tales of a grand annual gathering where enthusiasts from across the globe come together to celebrate their passion for RC aviation. From majestic warbirds to thrilling 3D aerobatics, and from sleek electric planes to the roaring turbine jets, if it's a model airplane, it finds a home here!

This year, my lifelong dream of joining this spectacle finally came true at Joe Nall 2024. Over the past few days, I met lots of great people, talked all things aviation, witnessed some jaw-dropping flights, and got to fly a few different planes too!

This video is a recap of my three amazing days at the world's biggest RC plane event. Welcome to my adventure at Joe Nall 2024, and see you there next year!

Do not miss the crazy 3D/XA flying and night smack flying towards the end of the video! Huge thanks to Tailslide Aviation and FrSky for their support during this event :-)
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