
Models Brno 2016 - RC Tatra 84 Testing And Rescue Missions

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Vloženo před by admin
585 Zobrazení
During traditional RC-models show in Brno, Czech Republic, we performed the first public functional tests of our new scale RC model - Tatra 84

The model is being made according to known photos and technical details of the original Tatra 84 military tractor prototype built in 1935. Rumors say it was built for a French company of Lorraine-Dietrich, which was producing off-road trucks based on plans licensed by Tatra factory at that time.

It is an all-time 6x6 with central backbone chassis and swinging axles.
We have a working winch even with a brace, that was used to prevent the truck from moving when winching another stuck vehicle.
So you'll see off-roading, loading onto trains, several rescue mission using the winch and much more.

Off road

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