MiG-29 Maiden Flight + Cobra Maneuver!! ✈️ HD 60fps

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Well, I'm late to the party I know! But finally got my Fulcrum ready, hehehe!
(Oh, and I'm naming her 'Anežka'!)

So this is the highly anticipated 'big size', twin 80mm EDF, 6kg MiG-29 released this past summer by Freewing (link below). The jet features a beautiful Slovak Air Force digital camo scheme (hence the name) that I further complemented with some touch-ups to the cockpit interior and black 'antiglare' outline. I also painted a missing dark grey panel on the fuselage top.

Distributor page: https://www.motionrc.com/products/freewing-mig-29-fulcrum-twin-80mm-edf-jet-pnp

I was concerned about the structural integrity of the stabs, and stab assembly so I did reinforce them with glass fiber cloth, which is part of the reason why it took me so long to get the jet ready. I'm not a fan of working with composite materials so I procrastinated a bit, lol. After my reinforcement mods, the stabs seem to be much more solid now.

I took many of the 'well-known' ideas and good practices about this model recommended by other pilot-owners on forums such as RCGroups and Hobbysquawk including adding reflex to the flaps and ailerons to maximize top speed and reduce trim drag (unloading the stabs in the process quite a bit) and I replaced the taileron servos by tougher ones, and the taileron linkages by 4-40 pushrods, and FWIW, also installed ferrite chokes on the ESCs leads to the rx as well as the taileron servo leads (to mention a few of the changes).

I also made my own 'quite personal' installation of the electronics and basically rewired the whole thing, changed the placement of the components, added a 20A UBEC, redundancy bus, 2x X8R receivers, the list goes on.

The powerplant is stock though, and the performance is pretty good, as is the sound, you won't complain about this one now, will you? :)

All in all the jet is a superb flier and has an incredible presence. It has some thrustline issues and it is still nose heavy with CG some 15mm behind the wing marks. Good news is, I managed to get the CG there with my heavy Panther Li-Po packs, and before installing thrust vectoring gear, so there's much room for improvement! :D

These flights were not as 'hardcore' as I often display since I'm yet adapting to the jet, but hey, I already made some tailsides, a backflip and a cobra maneuver! :)
...keep tuned!!

These were Anežka's flights 1st to 3rd.

MiG-29 pilot: Airguardian
Ground video: Luis Ibáñez
Airfield: Club Aeromodelisme Els Cards
Music: Ace Combat 4


Regarding my MiG-29 setup:

[More details coming soon]


Airplane: Freewing MiG-29 dual 80mm EDF
Motors: 2x Freewing 3658-1920kV brushless inrunners
EDFs: 2x Freewing 80mm (9 blades)
ESCs: 2x Freewing 100A
Servos: Freewing 17g
Taileron servos: Replaced by Corona DS-238MG
Receivers: 2x FrSky X8R working in D16 mode, one with telemetry
Redundancy bus: FrSky RB16
Rx Battery: Rhino 2S 610mAh
Main Battery: Turnigy Panther 6S 5000mAh 75C

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