[LIVE] VYP WEEK - Thursday: 70s-90s Meet ( GTA 5 Online ) | Road to 375 subs

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150 Zobrazení
On my channel you can find:
GTA meets, GTA cinemaics, GTA glitches and more! Sometimes I play other games too.


1. Subscribe and like the stream! ????????

2. Send me a photo of the car that you want to bring (ig/psn: vypxry) and comment your psn in the chat ????

⚠️ RULES⚠️

???? Don't crash into other cars, drive slowly and carefully. And no overtaking.

???? Don't drift, burnout or do donuts if it isn't allowed in the current meet

???? Don't kill or shoot with any weapon (if you want to stance, don't do it near the meet)

???? Don't come with the cops, call Lester before entering the parking area

???? Don't use RC, bikes, armored vehicles and oppressors

???? No ricers and no beef!

⚠️If you break the rules you will be blocked ⚠️

My discord server: https://discord.gg/XzbRZBU

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Vypxry/
On road

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