Lindsey Stirling Playlist - 3D RC Helicopter Simulator Cinematic - mood2_

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Vloženo před by admin
8 Zobrazení
Another music playlist from one of my favorite artist. This is by no means any attempt to provide any sort of training session recommendation. The purpose of this video was simply to bring about relaxation, stress relief, and mood vibes. I just happen to be simming in the background. Hopefully the playlist and RC Heli Hobby related background visual/cinematic are something you find relaxing and can enjoy while you're at your computer, phone, or streaming to your TV throughout your day.

Thank you all for stopping in. Be sure to like, share, comment and subscribe !
00:00 "Crystallize" - Lindsey Stirling
04:20 "Underground" - Lindsey Stirling
08:25 "Artemis" - Lindsey Stirling
12:23 "The Arena" - Lindsey Stirling
16:13 "Elements" - Lindsey Stirling
20:25 "Song of the Caged Bird" - Lindsey Stirling
23:29 "Assassin's Creed III" - Lindsey Stirling
26:15 "Beyond The Veil" - Lindsey Stirling

#remotecontrol control





#3d Helicopter


#Radio Control

#Radio Controlled Helicopter

#RC Helicopter Richard


#Tareq Alsaadi

#Bert Kammerer

#Kyle Stacey

#Alan Szabo

#Dunken Boisen



#Lindsey Stirling

#Ben storick




RC Vrtulníky

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