Lightest 3D printed RC plane - Eclipson Model V

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Eclipson in collaboration with colorfabb have developed the first plane specifically designed to be 3d printed with LW-PLA becoming the world lightest 3D printed rc airplane in terms of wing loading.

Drag and weight are the two main enemies of any flying machine, reduce those two forces to the minimum was one of the main goal of this project since the conceptual phase.
The drag was reduced thanks to its streamlined shapes, clean design, V tail, high aspect ratio or winglets. Special mention deserves the wing, which is simply the best we have ever designed, this wing has a great balance between safety (docile stall characteristic) efficiency (high lift to drag ratio) maneuverability (high roll rate) and strength (Reinforced with carbon fiber tubes)

Read more: Eclipson:

Pilots: Rubén Ungría, Iván Carvajal and Alvaro Vallés
Video edition: Álvaro Vallén from @FlyingCraft
Timelapse: Joel from @wildrosebuilds
RC Stíhačky

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