Here is my final rock crawler. It is a culmination of everything I've learned from my previous crawlers.
- One RC Buggy motor mounted directly on each axle
- Four planetary hubs, one for each wheel
- PF Servo motor for steering
- Triangulated 4-link live axle front suspension with soft shock absorber
- Torsional 3-link live axle rear suspension for maximum ground clearance and rigidity
- BuWizz 2.0 for power and control
- Brickcontroller2 app for iOS and Steelseries Nimbus controller
- Golden motorcycle rims with RC4WD 2.2" Bully Competition tires
- One RC Buggy motor mounted directly on each axle
- Four planetary hubs, one for each wheel
- PF Servo motor for steering
- Triangulated 4-link live axle front suspension with soft shock absorber
- Torsional 3-link live axle rear suspension for maximum ground clearance and rigidity
- BuWizz 2.0 for power and control
- Brickcontroller2 app for iOS and Steelseries Nimbus controller
- Golden motorcycle rims with RC4WD 2.2" Bully Competition tires
- Kategorie
- Off road