Lego Technic fast 2 speed crawler buggy trial axle (first rc test)

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Vloženo před by admin
347 Zobrazení
This is the first test of my latest Lego Technic rear-axle-concept.
Its a 2-speed motor+gearbox on axle concept.

It uses 1 lego rc buggy motor + 2speed gearbox for each wheel.
So the axle includes 2 motors and 2 gearboxes.

Gear ratios are:
1st gear --- 24:8(3)+20:12(1,666)+24:8(3) from low speed motoroutput
2nd gead --- 16:16(1)+24:8(3) from high speed motoroutput

Total difference between first and second gear is ~ 1:7

Note, only the rear axle is driven, thats why the car gets stuck when front wheels hit the powerpuller-wheels
Off road

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