KKPIT PD-K comp chassis, current build, more changes to come from KKPIT this week

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Vloženo před by admin
11 Zobrazení
The KKPIT PD-K comp chassis keeps getting better and better. I recently took 4th in the 5th round at Shadow Club for US SDC and I'm pretty happy given this is a new platform for me. It's a more rigid chassis and the suspension is more active. I went oil-less in the dampers, super soft, great roll that leads to traction. Deep angle can be achieved by upgrading to their aluminum knuckles and buying the upgraded limiter. KKPIT's new knuckle limiter is adjustable unlike the one in the kit.

I'm excited for this week, we should get some upgrades from KKPIT to help with traction overall.
RC Auta

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