Kitty Hawk | 1/48 FJ-2 Fury Jet Fighter Plastic Model Kit Open Box Review | #askHearns

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84 Zobrazení
Published 2 June 2022

Dan has a good look at the Kitty Hawk 1/48 FJ-2 Fury kit.
The sprue are cleanly molded and offer great surface details.
The supplied decals are extensive and very colorful. Resin ground crew are also included.

More information:

The North American FJ-2 and FJ-3 Fury are a series of swept-wing carrier-capable fighters for the United States Navy and Marine Corps. The FJ-2 resulted from an effort to navalise the North American F-86 Sabre operated by the United States Air Force. These aircraft feature folding wings, and a longer nose landing strut designed to increase angle of attack upon launch and to accommodate a longer oleo to absorb the shock of hard landings on an aircraft carrier deck.

Although sharing a U.S. Navy designation with its distant predecessor, the straight-winged North American FJ-1 Fury, the FJ-2/-3 were completely different aircraft. (The later FJ-4 was again, a complete structural redesign of the FJ-3). The FJ-2 was one of the aircraft used to evaluate the first steam catapult on a US Navy aircraft-carrier.

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