Israel Gaza War - LIVE Breaking News Coverage (with Ground Invasion Updates)

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Vloženo před by admin
70 Zobrazení
Get the latest updates on Israel’s war in Gaza against Hamas in our live breaking news coverage. A ground invasion of Gaza appears to have started, as Israel announced it is expanding its ground operations. We’ll bring you the latest up-to-the-minute developments on the war and ground invasion in Gaza in this live breaking news stream.

Israeli forces are now in northern Gaza, and it seems the ground invasion into the Gaza Strip has begun, although what form the invasion will take is unclear. In this interactive live stream, host Steve Lookner brings you the latest breaking news updates on the war in Gaza between Israel and Hamas, including live video of Gaza, as well as the newest details on the Israeli ground invasion, and he’ll also read your comments and questions on the air!

(The video from Gaza has been licensed from the original video owner.)

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