
Hyper Drift x Extreme Machines Carshow Demo

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Vloženo před by admin
1,072 Zobrazení
Shout out to everyone, EM crew for letting us demo, the models for the drops. Normuken&Rek Dizzle cause i forgot to put you guys in the credits...lol and all the supporters. www.hyperdrift.com www.teammagic.com.tw
On road
hyper drift, hyper drift hawaii, honolulu, hawaii, oahu, extreme machines carshow, 2010, extreme, machines, rc drift, r/c drift, 1:10 drift, 1/10, scale hobby, team magic, tamiya, yokomo, hpi racing, slide, sliding, slider, dori, drift king, d1, formula d, radio control, e4d, tb-03, vdf, tao5, tt-01, sprint 2

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