HX50 Private Turbine Helicopter

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A bargain civilian helicopter that will cost at least half a million dollars?
Okay let me explain. Of course for most people $500,000 is not what you call a bargain but in the rotorcraft world, a turbine powered helicopter will likely cost you a lot more.

Introducing the HX50 experimental helicopter from Hill. What sets this helicopter apart is not just it’s performance pedigree but the design and cabin materials is something to marvel at.

According to Hill, the HX50 helicopter is bringing an innovative new luxurious aircraft to market.

In acquiring an HX50 you are not just getting a helicopter, you are taking part in a revolution in General Aviation. Below are some sweet specs for ya.

- GT50 (500 shp turbine engine)
- Range: up to 700 nautical miles
- Speed: 140 kts
- Fuel: 35 gph
- Price: $500k -$600k

More on https://hillhelicopters.com

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