Huge RC van crushes RC car

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1,546 Zobrazení
THIS IS NOT ANY ATV. Its is an electric RC van with a scooter motor and 3 car batteries ALL CUSTOM MADE BY ME. Its called 'Madness Machine Jr' and crushed a busted RC car. The cost of parts and labor to make it is about $4000 but I DONT sell them :) SEE SOMEONE RIDING ONE on my video 'boy rides on top RC car' SEE THIS RC PULLING A TRAILER OF PEOPLE on my video '400lb RC van pulls full-size trailer' SEE THIS RC converted to gas and PULLING MY VAN on my video 'RC van pulls a full sized van!' SEE THIS RC GOING 30MPH on my video '30 MPH 400 lb Radio-Controlled Van' More about this 400lb radio controlled van on and my other YouTube videos
RC Nehody
huge, fast, RC, radio, control, gas, powered, minature, monster, truck, van, jump, pull, quad, fun, crush, big, remote, controlled, nitro, skylerwickedvan

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