HPI Racing Trophy Flux Truggy Preview

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Vloženo před by admin
294 Zobrazení
Here's Driftomaniacs HPI Racing Trophy Flux Truggy preview. Like It? SHARE, SUBSCRIBE & HIT THE BELL - http://www.youtube.com/c/DriftomaniacsRC?sub_confirmation=1

Love it? Contact JJ Customs on 408-228-3560 or e: info@jjcustomsllc.com or online at https://www.jjcustomsllc.com.
This HPI Racing Trophy Flux Truggy caught my eye and I do wonder how it would fair alongside an Arrma Talion? Would you like to see that?

Want to send something to Driftomaniacs to review and see it on the channel? Contact us via the link on the 'about us' page

Music: www.bensound.com
#rccars #hpiracing #hpitrophyflux
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