How to Fly a 4Ch RC Plane Making Landings

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Vloženo před by hatecko23
1,261 Zobrazení
A tutorial for all those beginners who are going to or starting to fly RC Planes. This is the Simulator Tutorial only. Later we will apply the knowledge outside in field on real planes. In this video you will watch and learn how to land RC Plane and how to make good smooth landings. Comments and feedback welcome at Don't forget to check, http, http and Cheers
RC Letadla
How to video, how to, fly an RC Planes, a 4 Channel Plane, learn Ch plane, learning tutorial, video tutorial for beginners, Plane beginners alishanmao, Ali, Simulator, Sim Realflight G3.5, sim, planes, Airplane, Tutorials, making landings, make good land rc plane

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