HOW TO DO A320 TOUCH 'N' GOs in MSFS 2020 (with JetBlue)

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Vloženo před by admin
151 Zobrazení
Hi Everyone!
Fancy swatting up on your TOUCH 'N' GOs? Well, join me on this How to do A320 Touch 'n' GOs take off and landing practice in MSFS 2020. We'll fully prep the aircraft then take it out on the beautiiful Island of IBIZA for 3 TOUCH 'N' GOs then a full stop landing. There were some things that I forgot but I chose NOT to re-record the video. I just wanted to keep it real. So, what you see on the video is actually what I did. Nothing added, nothing taken away. Now, sit back, relax and enjoy the video!
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#a320touchngo #a320flybywire #msfs2020

00:00 Start and Intro
01:54 Flight Briefing
08:15 Cockpit Preparation
28:30 Pushback, Start and Taxi
47:00 Take off from LEIB
1:07 First touch and go
1:38 Second touch and go
1:53 Full Stop landing
2:04 Video Ends
RC Auta On road Off road

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