How to connect TBS Crossfire with RadioLink AT10II

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How to connect TBS Crossfire with RadioLink AT10II
Step 1. Connection
Prepare a cable. The cable is usually packed when you buy simulator. (The two ends are for simulator port and 3.5mm audio port.)
Plug one end of Mini Pix receiver connect cable to RC IN, and the other end to TBS crossfire receiver. Connect Mini Pix to computer with USB cable.
Power on AT10II transmitter, and then power on TBS crossfire.

Step 2. Set the data on TBS crossfire.
Long press the button to enter the menu-- RX Nano-- Output Map-- Output1 should be SBUS. Because Mini Pix supports SBUS/PPM signal. If you use other flight controllers such as F4, F7, we can set the output to crossfire.
Also please note to set Mode to 12 channels. if you set it to 8 channels, there will be only 8 channels output for the receiver.

Step 3. Connect Mini Pix to Mission Planner
Choose the right COM port and Braud Rate. Connect. Connection succeeds. Click--Hardware Config-- mandatory Hardware-- Radio Calibration -- Calibrate Radio, “OK”move all sticks and switches to their extreme position. And you can check if the movement of the joystick is corresponding to the bar movement on Mission Planner. The bar movement in Mission Planner means that the signal has been recognized by Mini Pix.
After that, click when down.-- OK.

Product Introduction of AT10II on Official Website:

Buying link:

FAQ of AT10II:

You can send mails to if you have any questions during using our products. #tbscrossfire#crossfiretransmitter#at10ii#radiolink
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