How to become "Stanley Kubrick" - Cracking the Kube Ep. 3, part 2

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Why do we think about Stanley Kubrick the way we do? What’s behind his mythological image of an all-knowing, all-powerful filmmaker?
This is the second part of the episode, in which I chronicle the birth and evolution of Kubrick’s public image, and discover its true nature. Watch the first part here:

The presentation is an updated version of a talk that I gave at a conference in 2017, later published in a French journal:
Filippo Ulivieri, “From ‘boy genius’ to “barking loon’: an analysis of Stanley Kubrick’s persona in American and English media,” @ Stanley Kubrick: Nouveaux Horizons, Université Bordeaux-Montaigne, Bordeaux (FR), 16-17 May 2017.
Filippo Ulivieri, “From ‘boy genius’ to ‘barking loon:’ an analysis of Stanley Kubrick’s mythology,” Essais Hors Series #4, 2017,
It also incorporates some ideas from another lecture of mine:
Filippo Ulivieri, “Dr. Mabuse No. 2: An investigation into Stanley Kubrick’s mythological image,” Internationales Kubrick symposium, Deutsches Filmmuseum, Frankfurt, 21-22 July 2018,
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