Horizon Insider Tech Talk: Beginner Drone Tips!

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Horizon Insider Tech Talk: Beginner Drone Tips!

In this episode of Horizon Insider, Kyle brings in Pete Holey from the Blade development team to discuss tips/tricks designed to help new pilots master the basics of drone flight.

Products Featured (all Blade products):
- 70 S RTF with SAFE Technology (BLH4200)
- Inductrix Switch Air BNF (BLH8380)
- Inductrix Switch RTF (BLH9800)
- Inductrix FPV HD RTF (BLH9900)
- Inductrix FPV BNF (BLH8580G)
- Inductrix FPV + RTF with DVR (BLH9600)
- Inductrix FPV BL BNF Basic (BLH8850)

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