HF3D Nebula: Unrecovered Stall and Crash

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Span: [Extended]150cm [Regular]100cm without winglets
MAC: 18.85cm
wing Chord:17cm
wing extension Chord: 16.5cm
flaperon root Chord: 5cm
flaperon tip Chord: 3cm
flaperon len: 40cm
Area: 2828cm²
AR: [Extended] 7.95 [Regular] 4.95
Airfoil: E395 with .5cm outwards offset, trailing edge cut
Battery: Turnigy 2200mAh 3s 40C
Motor: 2x A2212 1000KV
Prop: APC 9x4.7SF
Mass w/o bat and cam: 1317g
Mass: [Extended]1504g [Regular]1407g
Wing loading: [Extended]5.32kg/m² [Regular]6.96kg/m²
Fuselage len: 79cm
Tail length: 47.5cm
Flight Cont: CC3D running LibrePilot

Two flights, one with the extended wing span and hoerner winglets and one with the regular span and hoerner winglets. On the first flight I bent the landing gear by coming down hard in a crosswind. During the second flight I managed to stall the plane and spiral it into the ground. There appears to be minimal damage to the aircraft besides the camera getting ripped off.

Music: https://www.bensound.com/
RC Stíhačky

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