Giant Boeing 747-400 RC Plane Build Video Part 5

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This part 5 is marking that the hardest part is already passed. Both wings can be installed smoothly to the fuselage and stay strong and rigid on their place. All landing gears already finish and I'm kind of relieved actually. I still need to add some rubber bands to the main landing gear suspensions, because the wing are adding more weight. My plan is to make each wing detachable into 2 parts, but if it adding complexity I will make each wing just one part, next on part 6.

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Playlist :
00:00 Opening
00:36 Wing
01:33 Landing Gear
05:10 Landing Gear Suspension
05:48 Installing the Wing
09:12 Installing Dummy Engine

Specs :
1. Wingspan 4000mm / 157.5 inches
2. Flying weight : target 7500 grams
3. Wing loading :
4. Wing cube loading :
5. Wing Area :
6. CG :


Materials :
1. 5mm + 3mm Depron/ Polyfoam
2. 3mm Plywood
4. hot glue, foam-safe glue, CA glue
5. packing tape
RC Stíhačky

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