GD-006 Diamond DA62 RC Airplane Flight Test Review

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GD-006 Diamond DA62 RC Airplane Flight Test Review
This inexpensive easy to fly beginner's model of the Diamond DA-62 is extremely aerodynamic and quiet in flight. Find it here

- Good looking flying model of the Diamond DA-62 light aircraft.
- Comes with transmitter.
- 2 channel gyro stabilized. Very easy to fly. Great learn to fly RC plane.
- Very quiet in flight. You can't hear it until you're close enough to touch it.
- Its 3.7 V 300mah battery (whiite Losi connector) is very common and inexpensive. You should be able to easily find replacement batteries to keep you flying.
- Although it's a DIY, it's very easy to build in about 30 minutes.
- It's cheap.

- Glue is required for assembly. But it's melt resistant EPP foam, I just used simple contact cement for assembly (most glues should work with EPP
- Be careful with the throttle. Too much throttle will send the nose up high leading to stalls.

This video along with every video of the Quadcopter 101 channel was produced and edited with VSDC Free Video Editor. You may download this excellent, and no kidding "free" video editor here

Affiliate links: At no cost to you, I do receive a small commission for sales resulting from these links.

"Awel" by stefsax
is licensed under a Creative Commons license:
music was shortened to fit length of video.
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