Frsky S6R & S8R Part II

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I go through the initial startup of the Frsky S6R & S8R "first power up" hooked up to the plane. The receiver has to be calibrated to help it learn how it is mounted in the plane. Simple process but if not done the receiver will not work correctly. My transmitter settings or below.

Page 4 Settings:
1 Thr
2 Ail
3 Ele
4 Rud

Page 7 Settings:
1 Ail
2 Ele
3 Thr
4 Rud
9 Gain & custom curve built uses s2
10 Flight modes
12 SH panic button

Page 10 Special Functions:
Throttle Cut Set Up
Line one: switch sf
“Over ch 3 throttle -100%”
Line two: switch sf, Play sound Bp2

Song off of YouTube's Free Music List
Song: "Ibiza Dream" Writer: Chris Haugen
RC Stíhačky

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