Freewing 90mm F-16 Arctic Aggressor flight customized by Jeff’s Custom RC

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Great flight of the Freewing 90mm F16 which has been customized by Jeff’s Custom RC into the Arctic Aggressor scheme 18th squadron. Purchased this jet from Motion RC in the fighting falcon scheme and totally customized out of the box into the Arctic Aggressor scheme. After painting, a Freewing 1835kv inrunner was installed with a 130amp ESC for a great power set up. Along with the Admiral 600 receiver/gyro, this jet flys very scale and presents amazingly in the air. Flow in high rates per the manual. A HRB 6000mah 50c lipo battery makes this jet come to life with 3 minute flight times, landing with 3.85 volts left on all cells. This is an awesome jet!!! As always...turn on notifications for upcoming videos, and please like and subscribe. Thank you.
RC Stíhačky

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