FPV in the woods with digital transmission (FPV Blue, RC Car)

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306 Zobrazení
This is the followup to my hangar review of the FPV.Blue HD video transmission system. First flew with a quad, later moved on to an RC Car to test penetration of RC signal in the dense woods. What a fun! Finally driving around from inside my hangar...

!DISCLAIMER! - FPV.Blue sent me this product for review, you can buy it here: https://goo.gl/4ity1K

●▬▬VIDEO INDEX:▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬●
00:31 testflight with TBS Disco and FPV.Blue
01:52 swap gear to RC CAR (short overview)
02:28 FPV in the WOODS with RC Car
02:24 some directly recorded FOOTAGE
06:03 filmed from screen from here on
06:41 the gravel road, distance, passers, dogs,...
07:24 MAP of first distance test (~150m)
07:54 DOG :)
08:46 second distance test IN THE WOODS
09:21 to the flightfield!
10:04 WDR fail in bad light conditions...
10:45 WOODS overview
11:49 BETTER Screen recordings (sharp) from HANGAR
13:08 Chihuahua chased :)
13:39 father in law chased :) ("roadkill")
14:49 lowlight example with WDR on - noisy

Thread on RCG: https://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?2703512-fpv-blue-720p-HD-FPV-50-ms-latency-7km-range/page24

Groundstation Recordings (a bit troublesome to work with as of 16.Oct.2017 - should be improved with next firmware):
can be played back with MPLAYER http://www.mplayerhq.hu/design7/dload.html
there's also a GUI version (SMPLAYER): https://www.fosshub.com/SMPlayer.html
Recordings do not get corrupt when power is lost
(for the curious: to use the groundstation recordings I had to playback with SMPlayer and screen-record with OBS Studio to get a useable file. going all the way for you guys :)

►EQUIPMENT: http://goo.gl/QNzck
Filmed with: Panasonic GX8 + R0de VideoMicro, Samsung Galaxy S7, Yi 4k
Thanks PETER for filming ext shots, thanks CHARLIE for letting me chase him (the Chihuahua) and thanks to my lovely guide in the woods!

Brand New Beginning - Gavin Luke
Fifteen - Aldenmark Niklasson
Compliments To The Piccolo 1 - Peter Sandberg

►my ⌘ COPTERS and ✈PLANES in the hangar: http://goo.gl/l5GfrE

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►Product REVIEWS: http://goo.gl/mZkwHr

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Off road

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