
Formula Fastech Electric Boat and Go Pro Hero Cam Gone Wild

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Vloženo před by admin
1,420 Zobrazení
This is the latest addition to my boat collection. It is made by Proboat and called the formula fastech. It comes RTR (ready to run) and has a brushless motor in it so the stock version goes around 30-35 mph. I consulted my boat guru before make this purchase and he was right on track about it. If ever you have a boat question or want to see some wicked fast boats check out my friend Ron's youtube channel. Here is a link to his channel. www.youtube.com As always Please Comment, Rate, And Subscribe To Support This Channel Thanks, Eric
RC Vodní
pro, boat, proboat, formula, fastech, brushless, electric, remote, control, speed, gopro, go, hero, camera

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