F5J R/C Glider Low Level Thermal Practice Training Techniques With Expert Paul Naton

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https://www.radiocarbonart.com/tsmcddset/ Soaring veteran Paul Naton shares his boot-camp style F5J thermal training routines implementing limitations that you can use to improve your own low level thermal soaring skills. Ten minute task, 8 thermals, never going above 200'/60m. Test yourself. To learn more about the art of thermal air reading and air prediction, purchase Paul's best-selling video series, the Thermal Soaring Master Classes 1&2, the link is above and below. https://www.radiocarbonart.com/tsmcddset/
Purchase this and other high quality instructional soaring DVDs & Downloads at our website, radiocarbonart.com. All credit cards and paypal are accepted.
For over 20 years, Radio Carbon Art has produced professional radio-controlled soaring instructional and training programs that will help you quickly become competent in building, preparing, tuning and flying today's high performance r/c gliders and sailplanes.
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