I could have just kept quiet about this -- but I'm not too proud to say that sometimes I stuff-up, just like everyone else. When it came time to test-fly this little SkyAngel F16 EDF jet I discovered that my pre-flight checking wasn't all it could be and the ailerons were reversed. In most cases of reversed ailerons, the model usually does a half-roll, the pilot panics and pulls full up elevator, producing a prompt smash into the ground. Fortunately lots of 3D flying meant I instinctively pushed in down-elevator when the model rolled inverted unexpectedly. I was able to fly it out across the field and turn it back towards me before getting really confused and "landing" some distance away. Very minimal damage -- despite the "bounce" you can see in the video. A smear of 5-minute epoxy and it was fixed. I've since flown it several times and I really like this model. Watch for the full review soon over at www.rcmodelreviews.com and on the RCModelReviews YouTube channel