F-35 Lighting II 70mm EDF Jet Thrust Vector by Hobby Lobby Maiden Test Flight

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The NEw Hobby-Lobby F-35 Lightning II with thrust vectoring and retracts! This is my Maiden Test Flight to feel out the control surfaces and play with the TV just a bit. What a smooth flying jet! Support our Free Site by ordering Your Plane From Nitroplanes Here www.tkqlhce.com Get 5% off your Order with coupon code "CJ5" See More at www.RCREDBARON.com Follow me on Twitter http
RC Stíhačky
RCREDBARON, Hobby, Lobby, F-35, Lightning, II, F35, RC, R/C, remote, control, EDF, 70mm, Jet, thrust, Vector, TV, Retracts, airplane, air, force, maiden, flight, flying, Fun, Fly

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