Epic Miniature City Crash: 1/64 Scale Luxury Car vs. American School Bus

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Vloženo před by admin
11 Zobrazení
Hello, friends of miniature worlds!

Welcome back to my channel #cleverdiecastcars ! Today, I have an exciting new story from my miniature world for you. With over 80 model cars, including trucks, excavators, tow trucks, ambulances, police cars, and a crane, there’s plenty to discover.

Our story begins with a blue luxury car that starts its powerful V8 engine and drifts impressively through my small 1:64 scale miniature city. But at the next intersection, the unimaginable happens – an accident! The car collides with an American school bus, and the crash can be heard throughout the miniature city.

The impact is so severe that the American school bus heavily damages the blue car. The people involved get out and stand shocked at the roadside. Fortunately, the emergency services quickly arrive: two police cars and an ambulance rush to the scene. The police close off the roads so that tow trucks and excavators can quickly clear the accident site.

On the #cleverdiecastcars channel, we bring you real model vehicles in action, featuring cars, trucks, excavators, police cars, ambulances, race cars, construction vehicles, transporters, tow trucks, dump trucks, and cranes. All set in an intricate 1/64 scale miniature city, these videos highlight authentic diecast models, not computer-generated animations! #diecast #modelcars

I hope you enjoyed this exciting story! If you want to see more thrilling adventures from my miniature city, subscribe to my channel and stay tuned.
On road

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