Efeei EasyGo (a magic board rc paper airplane model) short review and flight

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a new product come from Efeei Model. which is looks like a paper airplane but made from PP/Magic board.

Battery:3s 1800mah 35c
ESC: 30a ZTW
Servo: GoTeck 9g
Motor: Emax Eco 2306 1700kv
Prop: 7x4,5R
with a3 pro gyro installed

-Very easy to fly than Efeei SU-27.
-Thought chinese magic board which is much durable and allow you to glue with korean/alteco glue.
-very slow flying for trainers
-not need to much throttle for flying.Not like the Efeei J10 & SU-27
-using common motor, esc, battery, and servos which is mostly selled on every hobby store

-plywood motor mount not included, so i need to make it by myself
-the kit is very hard to assamble, not like other Efeei products(like the Efeei jets). it almost took me 2 days to assamble this one
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