E-FLITE F-16 70MM - How fast can she fly? We use the Dynamite Speed Meter 2.0 to find out!

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Hey guys! Welcome back! Today, Jon and I had some fun with the Dynamite Speed Meter 2.0 to measure the peak speed of Jon's RC planes. This new GPS meter fit very comfortably inside the E-flite F-16 70mm EDF jet so we decided to start with her! Without spoiling the video, we can say that she flies very fast but we think she can fly even faster! Jon flew the F-16 70mm twice in this video and the first flight was fast but the second flight was even faster!

Features of the Dynamite Passport Speed Meter:

- Track: Location, speed, altitude and much more
- Compatible with RC planes, helis, cars, trucks and boats
- Compact, Lightweight size allows for an easy fit in most RC application
- Built-in high-capacity LiPo Battery - 4 hours continious tracking pending conditions
- USB cable included for charging
- PC Interface for mapping on Google map products
- Record and download GPS map data (See Support for GPS Logger download)
- Can be used in real-world application worldwide
- Reads speeds up to 560 MPH (900 KPH)
- Switch between Metric and Imperial units using PC software

Enjoy the video and please subscribe to our channel! Thank you!


Interested in getting started with RC airplanes?
Remember that RC airplanes are not toys! You MUST have adult supervision!

Here are some helpful links to review BEFORE you fly:

Enroll for membership in the Academy of Model Aeronautics:

Academy of Model Aeronautics National Model Aircraft Safety Code

Register your RC aircraft with the FAA

Follow us on Instagram: @jonsrcx
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