Driving world's fastest vintage nitro rc car! - Schumacher Fusion 21

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Vloženo před by admin
241 Zobrazení
In this video we drive one of the scariest 1/10 onroad rc cars ever made! The Schumacher Fusion 21! Will we reach 3rd gear or do we lack the guts to do so? Find out in this video!

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PO box: 7, 1730 AA, WINKEL
Country: The Netherlands
State: Noord-Holland

Time Stamp:
0:00 Introduction
1:41 Common issue on nitro rc cars
2:01 Starting the Force .38
2:30 HPI Trophy 4.6 has throttle servo issues
2:50 Showcasing the Schumacher Fusion 21
3:19 Preparing the Schumacher Fusion 21
3:31 Bashing the Schumacher Fusion 21
5:35 Schumacher Fusion 21 has transmission failure
5:55 Damage check
6:20 Conclusion

#RC #Onroad #Schumacher #Fusion #21
RC Auta On road Off road

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