DJI Spark The Fastest And Easiest Way To Set Up

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241 Zobrazení
I have spent almost the whole day. SO I come up with my own version of setting up my DJI Spark Bundle. Here's the step by step guide:

Spark set up

Take pictures of aircraft wifi and password or write it down
Take picture of controller wifi and password or write it down
Charge battery and your controller
Download DJI GO4 app
Download DJI Assistant 2
Create an account using your computer is the best.
Insert the fully charged battery to the drone
Connect the cable to the drone then to your computer
Power on the drone and launch The DJI Assistant
Update firmware of aircraft using DJI Assistant 2.
Once the update is complete restart then switch off again
While updating your drone
Update firmware of your RC via your phone
Launch DJI GO4 app and download the firmware for your RC
Switch on your RC. Go to your phones wifi settings and connect. Enter the password if prompt
Go back to DJI GO4 app and update
Do not exit the app. If disconnected try again.
After update restart controller manually.
Reconnect controller to your phone
Remove drones propeller first for safety
Switch on drone
The controller lights will turn on green meaning it is now connected to the drone.
Now you are done. Now go and watch other videos before flying. Peace!
RC Stíhačky

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