CVI 2024 Challenging Case Competition Finals and Awards Ceremony

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Moderators: Allison Hall, MD and Jacqueline Tamis-Holland
Panelists: Subhash Banerjee, MD; Emmanouil Brilakis, MD, PhD; Mehdi Shishehbor, DO, MPH, PhD; and Paul Sorajja, MD

Presentations (Click title to open video in new window to that presentation):
00:00:16 - Case 1 (Coronary)The dear price to salvage a catastrophe " (Ahmad Abdelhamid, MD)
00:08:22 - Case 2 (Coronary): Three in one (Mahmoud Elrayes, MD)
00:16:33 - Case 3 (Coronary): Left Main Revascularization in Turner's Syndrome (Harrison Taylor, MD)
00:26:21 - Case 1 (Peripheral): Staged Repair of Thoracic Aneurysm Complicated by Dissection (Anne Kelly Rhudy, MD) - Peripheral Category Winner
00:35:14 -  Case 2 (Peripheral): Lucas to the Rescue: Maintaining Flow for ECMO Support in Myocarditis" (Alex Warner, MD/Kanwar Singh, MD)
00:42:42 - Case 4 (Coronary): Narrow escape from death (Asim Ali, MD) - Coronary Category Winner
00:49:53 - Case 1 (Structural): Percutaneous Removal of Obstructing Right Atrial Mass (Sydney Power) - Structural Category Winner
00:57:47 - Case 2 (Structural): Which way up?: Challenging TAVR access in a patient with severe PAD and EVAR in EVAR (Sandeep Randhawa, MD)
01:07:12 - Awards Ceremony

Presentation recorded at CVI 2024. CVI 2024 was hosted by Cardiovascular Innovations Foundation on July 18-20, 2024 in Denver, CO. View more education and details on upcoming meetings at
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