Complete pre flight test 29 amps, 460 watts, 1.9kg thrust and 2.1kg weight #mustang #p51d #mkiii

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37 Zobrazení
The last flight I had with this vintage 1400 mm wingspan p51d mkiii was unsuccessful. The stock propeller mount was made of cheap plastic, which exploded on the maiden takeoff. To improve this and repair the old model, we needed to change the motor shaft, which was specifically designed for FMS spinners.

Using a new non FMS specific 89mm spinner, we machined down the shaft to allow for proper contact on the motor.

Using the motor insitue, we machined and cut down the custom hexagonal prop adapter to suit any rc propeller instead.

After such a radical change from a 4 bladed 14x8 propeller to a two bladed 13x8 we had to recheck the electric system and thrust. This is ensure it will fly, and not fry the electronics

The bonus of checking is you can calculate how long we can fly for based on the new configuration.

#rc model #rcmod #rcplane
RC Letadla

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