CARF EUROSPORT - RC Jet Scale Aerobatics! ✈️ Music Video [Feat. Muse]

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Here's a music clip of my new turbine-powered Eurosport with Muse playing as soundtrack... ! :D
The video footage has been just slightly slowed down to 0.8x real speed. The original edit got blocked worldwide due to copyright issues, so I had to change the first theme... the original one was cooler but can't do anything about it, duh! :')

The flights without music are already posted, if you missed those, here's the link:

Flights are already getting a bit more lively... hahaha!
Watch me fly as I start to test out and slowly get comfortable with the feel of thrust vectoring system on the CARF Eurosport after enabling the nozzle for the first time in flight!!

Of course, this isn't my first rodeo with thrust vectored aircraft, but it certainly is my first time trying it out on a gas-turbine powered jet, let alone one as big and heavy as the Eurosport!

Lo and behold... flying the jet with the nozzle on didn't suppose any dramatic change of pace, the jet continued to behave pretty noble in the air, even more so than without it if you ask me, since low speed control improves. It's not like you turn it on and you suddenly are all over the place. Anyway, I don't get the overall scare for TV nozzles, they are fantastic! :DDD

That said, there are some differences when comparing with EDF TV feel. If anything, the delay in throttle response makes timing your maneuvers quite harder. On EDF, when you need the TV to kick in, you just add throttle and immediately the jet reacts. On the kero jet, you need to anticipate a few seconds early and start adding thrust long before you are actually executing the maneuver. And nailing the amount of power required also gets slightly more difficult. But being a larger, more noble jet with a high end gyro helps of course! ;)

This time I also removed 50g of nose ballast weight but the jet is still pretty nose heavy. Will take out another 50 or 100g next time.

Regarding the jet, it is a CARF Models EUROSPORT that I bought second hand from a friend (actually I'm the 4th owner), and upgraded the engine to a Jets Munt M210TS (from a former 160N engine), added a thrust vectoring nozzle and Cortex Pro gyro, changed the radio gear to a triple-redundant Jeti setup and replaced all servos by Savöx and Promodeler shiny things to run a high voltage setup.

Pilot: RC4ever
Video: Luis Ibáñez
Airfield: RACBSA
Music: MUSE

Flights 4th to 6th on 'Monica'.

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