C and C RC Mod Truck A-Main

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Vloženo před by admin
1,177 Zobrazení
This is a wednesday night race with 30-40 people in attendance. Classes included 2wd SC's Stock and Mod and a Mod Truck Class. The track is located perfectly along I-85 @ Rte 70 in Greensboro, NC (2 miles from I-85&Rte 29 intersection)just take the service road pass the Hotels and Turn by the white buildings on the left in to the industrial park. I could tell which building it was by the red clay around the entrances, lol. Great track, Great Competition, very accomadating owner! Check it out asap! The website is www.candcrc.com They have the best attendance of any tracks I've been to lately. 30-50 people weekly is excellent when considering the economy. This is a wednesday night 10-6-10 the had 13 trucks in the SC class also. It was a Blast! Enjoy!
Off road
RC Racing, SC, Short Course, A-Main, Indoor Track, Greensboro, NC, Off-Road, Phsyco Nitro Blast, Roar Nationals, 2010, C and C RC, candcrc

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