Bittydesign Venom GT Body On Traxxas 4tec 2 0

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Vloženo před by admin
220 Zobrazení
Short slideshow of start to finish of painting my Venom GT body. Body was custom painted by Darren Wimberly of Firebrand RC in Dallas, Texas. Wheels and tires are also from Firebrand RC. Custom License plate from Yeti RC which you can find their store on eBay. Body is painted gun metal and gold chrome. This is a great looking body with an absolutely beautiful paint job, it looks like it's going 100mph just sitting still.
The music is the theme from 2001: A Space Odyssey as performed by the Berliner Philharmoniker and Herbert Von Karajan.
Darren Wimberley can be reached at
Betsy Ross flag courtesy of Microsoft Bing. We had just celebrated Independence Day and was feeling parotitic.
The NRA stands on it's own.
RC Auta On road Off road

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