Bittydesign | 1/10 Hyper-HR Body Shell | #askHearns

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Vloženo před by admin
170 Zobrazení
Published 2 August 2021

Brett talks about the new Bittydesign Hyper-HR 1/10 competition touring car body shell.
The HR stands for High Rotation.

HYPER-HR, a new contender for the 1/10 190mm electric class.
This project was born from the desire to further develop the first HYPER version by creating a new model similar in appearance but in fact totally redesigned to meet the needs of this ultra-competitive category.

The HYPER-HR body represents the best result of performance and aesthetics into the same product, a great mix with modern and aggressive look.

The body shell complies with all EFRA, IFMAR, ROAR, BRCA and FEMCA homologation specs, so it can be used in any National and International race.

- Made with high quality and genuine polycarbonate Lexan®
- Included in the kit a complete set of screw, nuts and large plastic washers to fix properly the rear wing
- Produced in Light Weight version as well also Ultra Lite (ULT)
- Fit all the 190mm electric chassis on the market with 257-260mm wheelbase
- Sold clear with protective film outside
- Included in the package a decal sheet pre-cut and windows mask

More information:*+hyper*+hr*&type=product%2Cpage%2Carticle&view=ls

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