Bird Strike ???? Brand New Rc Jet Crashed | Freewing Zeus 90mm

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This is the 8S version which comes with a 90mm 12-Blade EDF 8S Power System with a 4075-1350Kv inrunner brushless motor and a thrust reversing 120A ESC.
The 90mm Zeus is the latest sport jet offering from Freewing. Featuring a sporty and highly aerodynamic design, the Zeus 90mm is Freewing’s fastest sport jet yet, with this 8S version reaching speeds of 150 miles per hour (240 kmh) in level flight. Additionally, the blue, grey and white livery offers an attractive, bold presence that can be seen easily in the skies. Impressively designed, the wings are glue and screw-free utilizing a quick release wing lock mechanism that makes installing and removing the wings a simple and quick experience.

Each control surface is managed by a 17 gram metal gear servo for quality and confidence. Offered in 6S, 8S and ARF PLUS, the Zeus promises to deliver the most powerful thrust-to-weight ratio of all the Freewing sport jets before it. Take to the skies and experience the incredible thrill and neck-turning speed of the Zeus!
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