Best RC Value Under $100? Arrma Granite Voltage Unboxing | Test | Review

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Vloženo před by admin
195 Zobrazení
Black Friday special!!! We were able to pick this 2WD RC Monster Truck up for less than $70!
Yes, it is just a brushed 2WD monster truck, not the highest performance rc vehicle ever created - but GREAT for a beginner just entering the hobby!

I was surprised how well this truck drives, how the controller feels in my hand, and how durable it appears at first glance!

Stay tuned to the channel to see more on this Arrma Granite Voltage!
Should we put a hotter brushed motor in it?
How about going full brushless?
Full durability test at a skate park?

What would you like to see us do with it?

Want to pick your own up? Get one here:
Or here:

*Note: The provided links to the items recommended in this may be associate links. The great news about this: you pay the same price for the item, but I get a small kickback that helps me fund this channel!

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