Balsa USA Stingray with DLE-20, RC Plane Build N0 37: Calculate Wing Loading

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Welcome to my build series of the Balsa USA Stingray RC plane kit. The Stingray 120 is a great trainer and sport rc plane with an 83-inch wingspan and powered by a DLE-20 RC gas rc plane engine. I will be using a Futaba transmitter system with Futaba or Hitec servos and receiver. This plane is designed for .80 to .90 2-stroke glow engines, .90 to 1.20 4-stroke glow engines, and 15cc to 30cc gas engines.

All of these videos are on a playlist.

Let's check our wing loading. Its a simple number to calculate that gives you an idea about how the plane will fly. Planes with low wing loading fly slow and easy, like a glider. Planes with high wing loading fly fast, like warbirds and jets. In between these two extremes are the trainers and the sport planes. Wing loading is simply the area of the wing divided by the plane weight, sometimes expressed in ounces per square feet. So for general wing loading numbers, we have the following:
Glider 10 oz/sqft
Trainer 15 oz/sqft
Sport 20 oz/sqft
Scale/warbird 25 oz/sqft

In this video I calculate the wing loading of my newly built Balsa USA Stingray, at a little over 18 oz/sqft, which is where it should be for this sport plane. Hope you find this interesting.

I have been building, flying, crashing, modifying, and repairing radio control planes (RC Planes) for many years and enjoy sharing what I do with the radio control plane community, so I started RC Plane Tech channel for fun. I am not an expert, there are many different techniques when building radio control planes. A good way to learn about flying and building rc planes is to see what others are doing, that's what I do and that's why I like to share what I do.
All videos are produced by me, with flawed but natural intelligence.
RC Stíhačky

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