Awesome E-buggy action @ WCRC for King of the mountain race 5! finnished 2! Should have had 1st!...

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137 Zobrazení
Video cuts off at 8 mins. ???? Sorry need to clean my storage on the phone.

This was a fun race! After qualifying bad all day, I got a decent qualifier, in the 3rd heat and was I in p2 for the A-main! I lead the race for 85% of it, but the field was fast and Brock Ratliff took the lead with only 2 mins to go and I fell back to 3rd. ????, I put my head down and trailing by like 3 secs behind p2 I threw a "hail-mary" and snuck in for the pass! 1 foot before the loop!???? In Truggy, it didn't t go so well, as I was fighting electrical gremlins all day time for a new esc, unfortunately It wasn't fixed, like I thought it was, I think its just a bad faulty esc from the factory. Overall a great day of racing Toy cars!

Thanks for watching! I have a give away coming up on the channel, so stay fast and stay tuned! ( Pun Intended! )
Off road

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