MAE488-489 Senior Project:Design and build prototype aircraftbased on SAE Aero competition.This very windy day, made team member Ryan
nervous about this first flight.
This video is of the final moments of the maiden flight.
This wing design creates so much lift,
that for a large part of this flight,
the engine was almost idling.
Not caught on video was the acrobatics, including a loop.
A few moments after the loop, the engine died, and well ...
just watch the video to see the landing
without power.
The plane weighs 17 lbs.
Designed, tested and hand made
from scratch. Engine is a .61.
231.5 man hours to construct
this prototype.
4 members of the team are:
Sean, Ryan, MK, Jason.
Professor Vance was here to
witness our success!
Many thanks to our test pilot, James
for his contribution.
His expertise was greatly appreciated
and his suggestions for modifications
were duly noted.