Arrma Kraton 4S VS Team Associated SC8 Nomad Rc Car FPV Video

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Vloženo před by admin
148 Zobrazení
This was my 2nd drive, 2nd battery with new Kraton, the first real drive after a break in drive the day before. I had just changed out the RTR radio with a better Spektrum radio, so my friend Mike and I go bashing around with both trucks on 4S. His car is an Associated SC8 With a Mamba system. He has transformed it from a Short course truck to a Nomad Frankenstein monster. I am gettting used to this truck, I usually drive tenth scale buggies on indoor clay tracks. I will be making a higher quality video with my review on the Arrma in an upcoming video so please subscribe for more videos. Thanks!.
Off road

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