Amain - 17.5 Stock Buggy @PoorboyRacewayandHobbies-wn4nk

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Vloženo před by admin
28 Zobrazení
I started out at P2 and accidentally took out Michael on the hairpin turn on the 2nd lap and his body came off, allowing Matt and Austin to pass us and take the lead while Rob had to put Michael's back on. Sorry dude! Michael ended up hitting a pipe after a couple laps, which allowed me to get by him. Then I chased down Matt and he also ended up tapping the pipe ever so slightly and he went wide just before the wedge jump, which allowed me to pass him too. Austin had a good size lead at this point, but he ended up wrecking on the wedge jump which allowed me to be right behind him after he got marshaled. I was on his tail and eventually, he ended up traction rolling on the ski jump after the wedge jump, which allowed me to pass and taking the lead. From that point, I knew what I had to do: keep a decent pace and DO NOT wreck! I did my best to focus on my race and just planning 1-turn ahead for the remainder of the race and it worked in my favor for today.

It was a close race all day long and everyone drove well today. The winner ended up being the guy with the least mistakes which happened to be me today. I am still impressed by Michael's driving in the 3rd round even though I ended up winning the main today. If he drives like that in Virginia, he will do very very well I think. What a fun day it was today!
Off road

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