Alpha-6 Rc Build Guide - Step by Step assembly

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Vloženo před by admin
128 Zobrazení
Here it is! The build guide for the first Arctic cat inspired rc snowmobile that you can make at home! This sled has being in the making for two years. and now you can make one quite easily at home. If there's issues with the snowmobile, let me know, and ill see what i can do to fix it! Free future updates and mods will come too!

Here's where you can get the files :
Items to complete is listed in the item description ⬆️

Suggested electronics :

Ball end drivers :

If you have a minimum of 200x200 printer, you will be able to print it.

Special thanks to Patrick J for the limiter strap trick and Mikko K for the sick seat clip system.

Music :
Dance With The Dead - B Sides: Volume 1 [Full Album]
Off road

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