Airborne 05.31.24: 1Q GA Sales, 200th ALTO LSA, Spitfire Grounding

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Also: NATA CEO In Legal Dilemma, WestJet Encore Settle, Drone Bill H.R. 8416, USN Jet Trainer

GAMA released their 1Q/24 GA Aircraft Shipment and Billing Report -- with mostly mixed news. The results for the first three months of 2024 when compared to the same period in 2023, show deliveries were flat for piston airplanes and piston helicopters, decreased for turboprops and turbine helicopters, and increased for business jets. Total aircraft billings were up 3.2% at $4.7 billion. Czech sportplane manufacturer Direct Fly has finished delivering its 200th ALTO NG, the latest iteration of their 600-kg sportplane. The Alto was previously offered as the Alto 912 TG model, sporting some light tweaks and changes for improved stiffness and durability. One such modification added additional engine space up front, shifting the weight a tad to prevent the TG's habit of tail standing when disembarking. The newer ones also make full use of the 15-kg baggage compartment... A tragic crash involving a Royal Air Force Spitfire has led to the grounding of the fleet. The accident took place on May 25th, during an early afternoon flight using a Battle of Britain Memorial Flight aircraft. So far, not much has been released regarding the accident, which involved only the single aircraft, and ended in a field near Coningsby. Investigations are underway to figure out the cause. All this -- and MORE in today's episode of Airborne-Unlimited!!!

Airborne 05.31.24 is chock full of info in this Daily News Episode, Friday, May 31st, 2024... Presented by Aero-TV veteran videographer and Airborne Host Holland Lee. Holland is supported by ANN Chief Videographer Nathan Cremisino, as well as ANN CEO/Editor-In-Chief Jim Campbell. This episode covers:

GAMA's 1Q-2024 Sales Report Brings Mixed Blessings
Direct Fly Delivers 200th ALTO LSA
UK Spitfire Crash Grounds Battle of Britain Fleet
Hangar Company Fires and Sues NATA CEO
Tick-Tock... WestJet Encore Pilots Settle With Management
Drone Bill H.R. 8416 Would Inflate Drone Prices by More Than 50%
US Navy Returns Jet Trainer to Service

Get Comprehensive, Real-Time, 24/7 coverage of the latest aviation and aerospace stories anytime, at And be sure to join us again tomorrow, for the next edition of "Airborne Unlimited" here on Aero-TV. Thanks for watching. See you, again, tomorrow!

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